Thursday, September 17, 2009

Long Time No Blog

So it's been forever since I've posted anything. I know, I know, what's the hold up? Well, frankly life gets in the way sometimes and we can forget how little things like this site can bring us a moment of laughter or enjoyment.

That being said, oh how the winds of change have blown this off season in Detroit. These are not your grand daddies Pistons anymore. Heck, these aren't even your older brothers Pistons. If you are anything like me, you never thought you'd see the day when the Pistons became a run and gun offense with virtually no defensive identity. Detroit teams were always teams built on hard nosed, knock you down and see if you can get up kind of defense. Does that mean this team can't be successful? Certainly not. Anyone who follows the NBA with any regularity will agree that it has become a hands off league. The isolation game is king. The NBA wants high flying dunks and acrobatic alley oops. These plays were anomalies 10 years ago, reserved for the likes of Michael Jordan and Dominique Wilkins. Now, any 3rd string guard comes in and makes these "Sportscenter" highlights. The game has changed. Joe D is trying to keep pace. His successes far outweigh his failures. He still deserves the benefit of the doubt.

Then their is the return of the prodigal son, Ben Wallace. No longer will he be a dominant force on the defensive end or a rebound vacuum. His role now is one of a mentor, a teacher. Maybe to help remind some of these young players of what it means to play defense. That is welcomed with open arms. Plus, there is still nothing like being inside a capacity crowd at the Palace and hearing the bell rung after a Ben Wallace block. These will be harder to come by for sure. But when it happens and the crowd roars, the feeling can't be described but must be experienced to fully comprehend. It is something I highly recommend.

So things change, players come and go. Some we will miss. A Rasheed pre-game dance or "Ball Don't lie!" at the free throw line. Others couldn't be excused quick enough. Like an unwanted house guest that has overstayed their welcome. Don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you AI. One thing is for sure, we still love our Pistons. And there still is nothing like Deeee-troit Basketball! Go Pistons!